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How does the competition work?The USSCL conducts each tournament in a Season format. In one season, a participating school plays around 4-5 in-season matches during a duration of 5 months. Each match is conducted entirely in a virtual setting, and spans approximately around 20-50 minutes long.
How does a match work?Each team in the USSCL is comprised of at least 3 players. No one player can repeat and do multiple events, as the purpose of the USSCL is to find the best team. Each school selects 3 events to participate in in one match (events are displayed in Format). To win an event, two competitors go head to head at their respective event. The player that wins the most number of solves in the event wins. The school that wins at least 2 out of 3 events wins the match. More details can be found on the Format page.
How can I participate?If you have a club or 2-3 friends willing to participate, then you are eligible to compete in the USSCL. Each team has one student delegate, who will be in contact with the Director’s to schedule matches. This delegate can also participate in the match. Registration opens in the Fall of each year (the link to register will be on the Joining page). The competition will begin in November or December and last until about May of the next year (considering each school plays about 5 matches, that’ll be about 3-5 hours of matches per season). More details can be found on the Joining page and/or Format page.
Do I need to be a certain speed to compete?No, no speed restriction when registering is imposed, however, there are time limits when solving to keep the match flowing.
What equipment is necessary for the competition?One timer, the cubes needed for the events, and cube covers (don’t have to be professional, could be a box) are necessary to compete.
If you have additional questions email us at
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